
Seafloor Investigation LLC


Some of the articles Seafloor Investigations personnel have produced over the years

P. J. Michael, C. H. Langmuir, H. J. B. Dick, J. E. Snow, S. L. Goldstein, D. W. Graham, K. Lehnert, G. Kurras, W. Jokat, R. Mühe & H. N. Edmonds, Magmatic and magmatic seafloor generation at the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean, Nature, 423, 956-961, 2003.

Volcanism Along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Mid-Ocean Ridge

Kurras, G.J., M.H. Edwards, J.R. Cochran, B.J. Coakley, Volcanism Along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Mid-Ocean Ridge, Geology, 2002

Michael, P. , Thiede, J. , Langmuir, C. , Jokat, W. , Dick, H. , Snow, J. , Graham, D. , Weigelt, E. , Goldstein, S. , Mühe, R. , Edmonds, H. , Ritzmann, O. , Kurras, G.J. , Büchl, A. , Kuhnz, L. , Gauger, S. , Lehnert, K. , Schmidt-Aursch, M. C. , Standish, J. , Schmidt, T. , Broda, J. , Schramm, B. , Hatzky, J. and Soffer, G. (2001): Results of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition (AMORE 2001) - Seafloor Spreading at the Top of the World , InterRidge News, International Ridge-Crest Research: Arctic Ridges, Vol. 10(2), pp. 57-60 2001

Smith, M.C., M.R. Perfit, D.J. Fornari, W.I. Ridley, M.H. Edwards, G.J. Kurras, K.L. Von Damm, Magmatic Processes and Segmentation at a Fast Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge: Detailed Investigation of an Axial Discontinuity on the East Pacific Rise Crest at 9° 37’N, G-Cubed, 2, 2001

Collapse of seafloor volcanic terrain: A key process in the formation of the upper ocean crust

Engels, J., M.H. Edwards, D.J. Fornari, G.J. Kurras, D. Bohnensteil, Collapse of seafloor volcanic terrain: A key process in the formation of the upper ocean crust, Geology, Submitted, 2001

Edwards, M.H., G.J. Kurras, M. Tolstoy, D.R. Bohnenstieh, B.J. Coakley, J.R. Cochran, Evidence of Recent Volcanic Activity on the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge, Nature 409, 808 – 812, 2001

Kurras, G.J., Edwards, M.H., D.J. Fornari, and P. Johnson, An Online Database for the East Pacific Rise 9° - 10°N, RIDGE Newsletter, 10,2, 9-13, 1999

Academic Research 1996 - 2001

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